General Information
The investigation service has two types of service offering. The first service provides support to an internal investigation process that has already commenced. The second service is engagement of an external and independent investigator to undertake an investigation on behalf of the employer.
Internal Investigators Support Service
This service is designed to provide support to internal investigators who are tasked with the completion of an investigation into a complaint e.g. grievance, allegations of harassment / sexual harassment / bullying or a disciplinary matter. The support service allows for the internal investigators to avail of mentoring and independent guidance on the management and completion of the process.
External and Independent Investigation Service
An employer can engage the services of an external investigator to carry out an investigation on their behalf where there is a complex case or where there is not an impartial or trained internal resource. The external investigator services can be utilised to investigate a complaint e.g. grievance, allegations of harassment / sexual harassment / bullying and also potential disciplinary matters